Tuesday, February 26, 2019


bucktooth bunny
buck tooth bunny spin off

                                                                 buck tooth bunny big ears spin off
buck tooth bunny small ears 


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


#1 basic snowman

#2 basic snowman spinoff

#3 waving snowman

#4 waving snowman spinoff

Monday, February 4, 2019


an info graphic is a  visual representation of info, data or knowledge intended to show information quickly and clearly.

4 examples of info graphics 

big thinkers 

     health for men
octopus day 

Friday, February 1, 2019

What I want to learn

1.what i know?
i know how too make those pivot animations. i know how to play minecraft on the P.C. In Mr proberts class last year. 

   2. what i want to learn?

i want to know how to code a game. so i can make them in the future. so i can make a living by making games 

3.how will computers fit into my future?
computer will benefit my future by how it will allow me to buy, and find jobs. with using code to make a living.